Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nonnis and Nicknames

Yesterday, on Facebook, we asked:
What are some nicknames that your Nonnis had for you?
And, my, did we get quite a few answers (over 300 of them)! We've looked through them and decided to showcase some favorites and trends amongst the nicknames! There was A LOT of good ones and it wasn't easy to go through them all.

Seeing as our Nonnis were loving people, some of these nicknames ranged from being the sweetest of sweet...

... to animal names and other fantastic insults (which we all know a Nonni insult is just another form of love!)

.. or sometimes you were named after their grunts...

Then there's that thing where they'd put 'Nonna' or 'Nonno' right after they'd say your name... What was up with that?

And sometimes your nickname was acquired via their inability to pronounce your name.

... then there was the Nonni Naming Forumla which consisted of ( Name + ('uzza' or 'uccio'))

Or sometimes they took it upon themselves to simply modify your name:

Oh, and let's not forget being nicknamed after food:

 There's also the 'which nipote am I yelling at?' nickname:

This Nonna saw fit to put some life advice in her nickname:

 And finally, our Nonnis wouldn't be our Nonnis if they didn't think we were suffering in some way, either by hunger for not eating in the last 20 minutes or by the freezing cold as we didn't have our jackets on in 20°c (68°f) degree weather:

 Either way, their nicknames for us was a way of showing their love and was also a way to deal with not having to remember how to pronounce our complicated 'American' names.

Finally, it's time to pick a winner (as we promised, there'd be a prize!) - since there is so many to choose from it's hard to pick just one so we're picking 3!

The winners are (chosen randomly):
Alex McKaig
Sabrina Valetta
Adrienne Salvatore-Markey

Congrats guys!! You win a copy of the Nonna Maria: L'Inizio DVD!
We'll be contacting you guys shortly!
Thank you to everyone who replied to the status and we'll have more contests in the future! I mean, getting free stuff for replying to FB statuses?!? We could do that in our sleep!

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